There are only two possibilities of Being in a Determined Condition: one is the Opening, the other is Closure. One is to Offer, the other is to Receive. In both cases, you are in the Being, but the difference lies in the way you perceive Joy. When you are in the...
A My Dear One since I could Met Perfection, Freedom spread out of It. Since I quitted Perfection, rarely all found its place. But This Is the Meaning of the Duality, into which Being Human takes action. Do not quest more than this about it, simply Feel both sides and...
My Dear Ones, Always happens to Be in the Perception of Loneliness, and this is part of the Comprehention of what Being Unite really is. What we Are – what ALL TOGETHER, I mean, we all ARE – is a Unique Possibility of Multitudinous and it’s exactly what we...
Meditazione Alchemica per Essere nella Presenza (Unità). Roma, 02-01-2019 Quando pensiamo al Corpo Umano tutto ci appare molto più chiaramente qualora lo rapportiamo con gli Elementi che compongono l’ambiente che lo circonda. Anche nel Corpo Fisico sono presenti gli...
My Dear, What are You talking about? Fear of Failure? Suicide? Depression? These aree ALL MEMORIES of someone else from your Families that you are lovingly carring throught your Life, as we all decide to carry a little part of the energy that needs to be transformed,...